When We Thought The Future Would Be Fine
We didn’t know it at the time, but the early 2010s were the last era of collective optimism—skinny jeans, fixie bikes, and all. It wasn’t perfect (far from it), but there was a distinct vibe in the air that’s impossible to recreate. Gen Z, you really had to be there.
#MillennialCore #2010sNostalgia #Early2010s #GenZvsMillennials #ThrowbackCulture
Is anyone else’s video freezing up on Chelsea’s hand freaking out, or is that just me? 😅
I got the same. There’s been glitching in a few of her videos lately.
i have it and im kind of obsessed
It freaked me out 😆
I got it too; I hit F5 thinking a refresh would fix it, but nope – her hand just kept flailing wildly at me while her head twitched around erratically like a ghost in a horror movie
1% interest rates were a HellauvaDrug
Her hand went into crazy mode.
The hand part
It’s fossilized in the music like an extinction level event suddenly flash froze footprints of everyone dancing pretend care free. Take Cobra Starship, peel back into the lyrics, and it’s a party that knows it’s on the brink of collapse
Goddamn, we had some PARTY music!!
The absolute end of history energy in LMFAO’s music should be studied. Truly the last hurrah of a dying people
I’ve been thinking about this non-stop for the last year
Same. And then you listen to early 2000s pop-punk and you think ‘they were already tasting it in the air, weren’t they?’
😂 the hand
I dont know what most of those things are… but I was there for the time period and yeah… we were a lot more optimistic for our future.
I feel like Im in a cursed timeline ngl
Someone should make the second half of this short a loop lol
I’m young Gen X and I had an absolute *ball* in the 2010s. The world was my oyster; I thought it would continue on forever. I briefly had a resurgence of this feeling in 2021, but it only lasted about six months.
I was in high school in the 2010s. Even I don’t remember it well lol
Your hand displays how we felt at the time: unwaveringly high energy and optimistic, but it didn’t last long
I’m Gen X artist and sooooo miss the 1990s-early 2000s. The middle class was still going strong and I couldn’t keep up with collectors’ demands. People would make a list at dawn for one art show so when I set up I’d read off names and they could buy only one piece each.
Good times!
Same; felt. I have the companion book to Richard Linklater’s “Slacker.” Includes written evidence of $300 apartments in Austin. 1991 makes 2011 look like a dystopia, and 2025 makes 2011 look like 1991.
Chelsea do be vibing LMAO
I’m younger, barely a millennial, so witnessing that collective optimism in the olders was craaaazy. Like “where’s everyone getting optimism from?” But it turned out everyone was doing pharmaceutical-grade party drugs & hiding drinking problems
The oldest story ever told
I think that optimism came from leaving the G.W. Bush era and getting Obama. Bush sucked, not to the extent or in ways the current administration does, but it was its own kind subtle and subversive and suck. For all his faults Obama was absolutely an improvement and brought a collective sense of optimism and possibility.
I was a sophomore in college when the Berlin Wall came down. I thought we were watching “the world wake up from history” (to quote Jesus Jones) and that tensions with Russia were resolved forever. America has made huge strides forward (President Obama, gay marriage legalization), and some huge strides back (Trump, Musk…). Hopefully we’ll look back and just see the current mess as just a blip in the path to a better world.
Chelsea glitched into the future
I miss Obama so much every single day. As a fellow millennial, I also desperately romanticize that time even though I was working 3 jobs at a time, going through college and barely surviving. Hope really makes all the difference in the world. Today, on the other hand, was a rough one.
Same. That time was really hard for me. Probably the most difficult time of my life because wages were horrible and companies treated employees very poorly since we just came out of the recession. There was definitely an attitude of “we could replace you in a minute” and you’d have to send out hundreds of applications to get a minimum wage job. But every time I turned on the news, the world was moving in a more positive direction. It was an awful time for me personally but I had hope and that made it wonderful. I have very little hope today but I’m doing well now and I have to put in more effort now to avoid despair.
Her hand caught the holy spirit. 😂😂😂😂