NR Scam Products Lab Tested | Shocking Results!
39 Nicotinamide Riboside products were lab tested. The results are truly shocking, with almost half the brands tested containing no NR at all! Check your brand here now!
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This is absolutely shocking!!!!
And thank YOU Lucy!
Have you tested protein powders too?
Honeslty 1 g of Nicotinamide will get you the same results though you will not get the quick energy boost you might feel from NR/NMN Fraction of the cost
Can you include augmentlife in the future please?
i can tell you right now they are not legitimate. stick to genuine brands.
@alangraves1189 thanks…tried them?
@@mythos7405 no need. i have tested enough brands now to know just from seeing their online presence.
its another scam brand.
send it for testing, and you will see for yourself.
Thanks for the great work you do!
great work as usual Ryker – consumers MUST vote with their feet, or things will never change
These tests, and all of the tests you have done, are so valuable. I like knowing what companies can and cannot be trusted.
Thanks for including CodeAge. I’ve bought it before because of the price but I never felt comfortable taking it. It’s not that it’s missing much. But it does seem to be skimping. I like a combined formula too and CodeAge says it has the TMG (betaine hcl) which one needs to take with NR included. Just as Thorne Niacel has. That’s why I stopped taking TruNiagen. But most of these I’ve never heard of, probably because I don’t even look at the cheap Chinese fake stuff on Amazon.