3 BIGGEST mistakes for weight loss over 40

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Intermittent Fasting Study discussed in this video:

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email: info@melissaneill.com

Joe Lilli

  • @catgato5803 says:

    Melissa, I only found you recently, but that means I have so much amazing content to watch šŸ˜Š I’m learning so much from you and I’m so thankful for all the work you’re doing!
    What would you suggest if the only time I can put a workout in is around 5 am? I’ve been getting up that early and working out on an empty stomach because I don’t feel hungry. Should I still try to eat at least something?

    • @MelissaNeill says:

      Thank you so much for the kind words! I’m thrilled you’re finding the content helpful. Working out at 5 am can be a great way to start the day. If youā€™re exercising on an empty stomach and feeling fine, that’s okay for some people. However, eating a small snack or meal with a mix of carbs and protein before your workout can help improve energy levels and performance. It doesnā€™t have to be largeā€”something like a banana with a bit of yogurt or a small smoothie can be enough. Listen to your body, and see what works best for you!

    • @catgato5803 says:

      @@MelissaNeill Thank you so much! This is very helpful. I always thought the pre-workout meal should be something bigger and more “serious” šŸ˜… I should definitely be able to have a banana with some yoghurt at 5 am. That’s the thing, on those rare ocassions when I worked out later in a day I had so much more energy and could lift more than in the mornings on an empty stomach. But early mornings is the only time when I can really stay consistent with my workouts. So I’ll see how I do after a small snack. Thank you for the suggestion. Lots of love from Poland!

  • @Kat91779 says:

    Thanks so much for the timely advice. You are an inspiration šŸ„°

  • @kerri5619 says:

    I have to say speaking only for myself. I rather strength train on an empty stomach. But I definitely eat afterwards. I do my MP ( muscle provider fast acting protein shake) and then about a hour after I eat. Works good for me!

  • @mymiracle79 says:

    You are very inspiring

  • @anacristinabonadonna3188 says:

    Love listening to your channel. Have you ever heard of Dr. Mindy Peltz? Her book is called ā€œFast like a Girlā€. This book changed the way I looked at my cycle and as a menopausal woman how to fast correctly as a girl. What works for men does not work for womenā€¦ I only wish I had read this book when I was a teenager and now I share it with my own daughter and stepdaughters. I would highly recommend it to get an idea of what our body is doing at different times of our cycle and month. Itā€™s amazing.

  • @vanessakort7425 says:

    Very useful video, really challenged eating right, the right amount of protein and lesser calories. Not building any muscle definition and putting on weight, instead of losing…ā˜¹ļø

  • @makeapennycry says:

    This is great advice. Incorporating the right amount of protein is a super helpful change for me. I used to be a vegan years ago and it seems to be a common belief among dietary vegans, that being healthy means being as skinny as possible. Looking like twiggy means good health and that is simply not true. You must have healthy muscles and bones too. If being rail thin is the most important thing rather than being healthy and strong, then those rail thin bones will also snap like a twig one day.

  • @I-am-Taliesha says:

    God sent me here. I can’t say thank you enough for your spirit of sharing for our demographic. Lord, the mansplaining and 30 year olds saying well if you ‘just do a bunch of cardio and eat at a calorie deficit and not be lazy youll lose weight’. It was driving me crazy. I have finally found my tribe. Thank you, Melissa!šŸŽ‰

  • @LuciaCharlesCharles says:

    Hi me also I’m struggled with menopause belly fat please tell me what kind of calories to eat. Thanks

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