Microsoft’s New Game AI: How Is This Good?
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📝 The paper "World and Human Action Models towards gameplay ideation" is available here:
Sources (snake game and more):
📝 My paper on simulations that look almost like reality is available for free here:
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I can see folks at home getting AI to code games for themselves and then gaming companies training these AI generated infinite universe games.
Me to actually this may even be in our life times ❤
I call it confusing gamers to think they’ll be playing AI games
We might be, just not in this decade I think
@@TripeDemo I don’t think it’ll take that long, but remember how much processing this takes, and it’s not even working. Even AI coding is limited this way. In 5 years when that matures and 5-15 for computers to evolve. If we move to quantum computers in that time than GPUs don’t exist anymore.
@@TripeDemo you’re right, about a decade, but remember as this improves, it’ll get faster an faster, and the world could move to exxon eggs nuclear power.. it’s anybodies guess what happens next, but speed will improve somewhere if not everywhere, robots in 3 years could change everything also, fusion power, quantum pc, or AI can change everything at any moment, this is the most exciting time in all of history to be alive!
I don’t think those prototyping cases are realistic.
What if the game has a unique art style or unique mechanics?
None of that would be present in the training set. I’m working on a puzzle game right now where you take control of security cameras.
That kind of control information definitely would not exist in the training set for models like this.
I’d be more useful (tho not by much) for companies like Ubisoft who release extremely similar games every few years.
You can play AI generated Counterstrike yourself if you have an NVidia card. It’s buggy but it works. If you have NVidia download and install Pinokio Computer. You can get the game engine in there, it’s called Diamond. Old Arcade/Atari games can be played too, though the resolution is still very low.
Seems like it will be a mixture of both form (AI generated video) and function (ai generated game engines). Games require a kind of perfect memory that AI video, even when scaled up, will struggle with (think dropping a rock, traveling the earth for 5 years, then coming back. That rock should still be there, and would be in a game engine). Really exciting stuff!
I imagine Musk and others not paying other people to play their accounts anymore when AI starts playing games… and there will be a flood of new acc in games like EVE that have real money trading market for in-game stuff
“Jarvis, make a 3D pokemon mmo.”
And it does. :0
One of my favorite things to do with Chat models is to ask them to become a Dungeon Master and create a few players for me to play with, or write a classic text adventure game with go north, pickup lamp type actions. It’s only limited by your imagination and the quality of interaction you create while playing.
I’m fully in with making this 3D, as I see a lot of early game play from the 80’s computers as a point that we’re at with AI now. It will become a thing eventually. It might not be fully rendered video in real time at the start, using AI with access to a GPU in a classic game engine frame work might be the start before we shift depending on how powerful gamers PCs are to do it… but just look at the early DOS 3d games how pixelated they were and people still played them vs now. Essentially the exact same thing with more pixels.
I can’t wait to play 3D games with my favorite stuff into simple prompts words..
Too much details. I lost the point😢
what is the link for the math problem?
The concept of this is very concerning to me. I can see the appeal in seeing ideas quickly as a designer but this implies that you do not understand the direction of the game. A game designer that plays the game they are making 9/10 times has way more ideas on what to do than there is time to make. And they most certainly do not need AI to generate ideas that have no coherence to the general design or direction of the game.
I fear that if this becomes normalized via exposure or “big company can’t be wrong”, then it will become normal for a game designer to not know what they are doing and the basic design of games will become AI slop.
Can’t wait to see what we have in a decade.
Hahaha 😆😆 you mean and only six months
“How is this good?”
I can’t tell if the title is throwing shade at Microsoft, a Freudian slip, a typo, or just a language thing.
Love u 2minutepapers
Can’t they upscale the output to get higher resolution?
This channel has been fully consumed by AI slop hype train
I’m gonna be frank with you
I used to LOVE your channel. But nowadays all you do is praise even the most inconsequential and nonsensical AI endeavor as if it were the most revolutionary thing every created. I understand being an enthusiast, but this is ridiculous. Makes me wonder if you’re getting paid or something.
thank you !! truly appreciate your videos !!
me expecting some breakthrough that make game development more easier…
reality : Image Generation on Drugs
this won’t end well