It’s Not Left or Right, It’s Up or Down

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In our latest video essay, Chelsea dives into America's confusing obsession with the rich. We're living in a second Gilded Age, and suffice it to say: it's not going well!

Special thanks to:

David Sirota:

Georga-Kay Whyte:


00:00:00 Intro
00:03:10 Ad break
00:15:05 Robber barons & the history of rich vs. poor
00:25:22 Why do we love to simp for rich people?
00:36:02 Our incredibly lame new robber barons
00:44:40 The dark side of “philanthropy”
00:49:38 Let's get some class consciousness going in the chat

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Joe Lilli

  • @thefinancialdiet says:

    Can’t wait to watch? Click the “join” button above and join the Society at the $4.99 and up levels to get instant access to our ad-free director’s cut!

  • @AverysMoneyMoves says:

    I just KNOW this will be a banger

  • @orangedullness2268 says:

    comrade TFD lez goooo

  • @inairby4freedom says:

    YES YES YES YES YES you hit the nail in the coffin. ⚰️

  • @tonioinverness says:

    Ooh, girl, I can’t wait. Look like you ’bout to get some genuine class consciousness!

  • @dragonking5767 says:

    That title came from the moana 2 song!!! (Not sure if the saying is older than that tho lol)

  • @marym6021 says:

    thank you so much for this important video!

  • @BrickGriff says:

    Remember, Good People: the word “villain” was derived from the older “villein”, meaning “a free person who lives on the land; a villager”, by the French aristocracy and used to associate not-being-a-lord with criminality.

  • @carpediem44 says:

    Or Bill Gates, Peter Thiel, or Oprah…

  • @TwisttedSaint says:

    Look at all the Democratic donors, it’s in both camps 🏕 the difference in Trump is that he’s more open and transparent with his actions 🎬

    This isn’t new, we just get to see how the sausage is made.

    We also get to have some new input as to what is in the sausage USAID 🤔

  • @jasonclement3000 says:

    it’s not left or right, it’s the Gary Stevenson movement vs the rich billionaires 🪐

  • @suzykennedy3559 says:

    A good and informative video essay. Ty!

  • @sabrinareyes4845 says:

    this video is doing gods work. thank you !

  • @longsword1969 says:

    It’s the adult version super heroes except thy are real.

  • @CoryDAnimates says:

    Best premier live chat to participate in.

  • @saraghhh says:

    “The country was founded on the principle that the primary role of government is to protect property from the majority, and so it remains.” — Noam Chomsky

  • @OOool says:

    The “what about x billionaire” is more rarely Bill Gates, often it’s Selena Gomez or Taylor Swift, that I see anyway

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