Toxic Wedding Culture, MLM Propaganda, And Moving Beyond Cheap Decor: An Audience Q&A
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In our first video of the new year, Chelsea answers audience questions about adult friendships, home decor, money, what's ahead for TFD in 2025 and more!
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Toxic Wedding Culture? Of course, as a South Asian, I have absolutely no exposure to this topic lol
Retiring the Financial Confessions which featured a lot of real fascinating people in order to churn out more pop culture originated stuff is a shame. I’ve listened to the Gilmore girls episode, and I prefer to hear from the nurse or a lawyer than some two media ladies bantering about a TV show. Who even cares.
I like both but must admit I hate they retired series because I loved them❤
I hate that this other series is behind a paywall. Very mommy vlogger grimmy
@@nicolewin4180 I would consider paying for them, but the content seems to be very niche – reality TV and old shows such as Sex in the City.
This is why I stopped my subscription, I haven’t even watched Sex and The City or The Housewives and I don’t care. I love TFD but maybe it isn’t for me any more.
I’m curious why people are even interested in the financial lives of fictional characters
K-pop/ kdrama culture is fertile ground to analyse for its glorification of overconsumption and reliance on marrying a rich man
Loving your answer about the bridesmaid. 5-10k is absurd.
Love that you said we need to stay engaged. Watching the CEOs parading on tv this morning gloating about having no regulation should be eye opening to anyone watching.
What are some practical ways we can stay engaged? All I’m getting now are near constant emails from democrat politicians telling me to “fight” by contributing to their personal 2026 election campaigns. After donating so much to political campaigns just a few months ago I don’t really have appetite for that. It just seems like trump is going to do whatever trump is going to do for the next two years no matter how much I donate to Elizabeth Warren, and Warren will likely get reelected without my meager contributions. Any practical advice is welcomed. I do have a standing monthly donation to Emily’s list, which I figure can be used in the nearer term for special elections and things, idk.
Shame about the podcast! Those topics and guests were so great and important
I really hope you bring back Financial Confessions soon tho!! There were a lot of great nuggets of info in that podcast. I also feel like the pop culture hot takes content is becoming totally oversaturated on YouTube, tik tok, etc so it’s hard to feel like any of those videos or episodes are adding anything
If I’m in your wedding party and I’m paying for my own dress and travel. I’m not buying you a present; my presence is your present. My labour is your present
My fiancé and I are having a pretty lowkey wedding, no big bachelor/ette trips or parties, and we feel exactly this way because we know a significant portion of our guests are going to have to take time off and/or travel just for the actual wedding day (in the city we live in, not even some destination wedding). We don’t live in a romantic/buddy-comedy world – all of our guests have other obligations and it’s just an honor to us that they even make the effort to be there.
In the UK the bride will usually cover the cost of the bridesmaid dresses which is why we don’t tend to ask every woman we’ve ever met to be in our bridal parties. We don’t usually have an open bar though so swings and roundabouts. No one wants to see what happens to British people at an open bar…
We didn’t do bridesmaids or groomsmen, but we did have a few close friends/family serve as our helpers (take photos, set-up, run the music). We thanked them by treating them to bachelor/bachelorette activities. I honestly, can’t believe that the couple doesn’t pay for those events and instead requires their wedding party cover the costs.
City hall for the wedding, basement multi-use room room in our apartment building for the reception that we decorated ourselves. Local small vendors for finger food. Few bills, low stress.
If I’m part of your wedding party and I’m paying for my own suit, I’m not coming to the wedding lol
Retiring financial confessions for episodes behind a paywall is a bit bonkers. Do YouTubers consider the fact that folks dont want to subscribe to multiple members only channels like youre a streaming service 🤔
I think even being up front about what you’re comfortable spending money wise can be really helpful in friendships, even friends you don’t see very often. I live far away from a lot of friends and I’ve found that when they come to visit, it’s really important to discuss finances and how much we are comfortable with eating out vs cooking at home and what we expect to spend when we do eat out. We’ve all been at different points in our careers and even earning in different currencies, so times when we’ve tried to assume what is and isn’t affordable for others has just led to unnecessary stress on what should be a fun catchup trip
Such a great point! And honestly a great way to grow closer as friends. It shows you care and can be honest
Excellent and vital point about local politics. The majority of our day-to-day living conditions – education, housing, transport, etc. – are determined by state legislatures and city councils, and not by Congress or the Presidency. We must all get more involved in learning more about local politics (not that national politics don’t matter – they obviously do for immigration and foreign policy – but state/local policies determine a big portion of our economic circumstances).
I loved financial confessions and found the questions to be really good.
21:21 this is the message…..filter your news, getting your finances in order and limit some of your social media consumption. We deserve to have some happiness in this life and being constantly engaged in the circus isn’t good for any of us. Be well everyone.
American notions of splitting the check in half are just crazy to me. Each person pays for what they ordered. Period. This is the normal way to do this.
Thats the normal way to eat with platonic friends, not a romantic date ✌🏻
@@nicoleecheverria5747No, thats how all meals are eaten pretty much every where. American is cultural is not default nor universal ffa
@@scottbuck1572everywhere between friends, I’ve been on dates with men from a wide variety of countries and I’ve never been asked to split the check so 🙃
Spending that much money on a wedding that isn’t even your own is insane
A while back, I read a listicle that was something along the lines of “things bridesmaids should not say to the bride.” One item on the list was expressing budget concerns. Even back then, I had a sense that something was wrong with stigmatizing a bridesmaid for expressing VALID budget concerns. A bridesmaid’s budget concern is a very valid concern, so expressing it should not be stigmatized.
Yeah, I feel like bridesmaids should only have to purchase and alter the dress they’ll be wearing, and volunteer their time to help the bride plan the wedding, do DIY’s etc. If you truly can’t afford the dress, just gracefully decline the offer to be a bridesmaid. All these international trips (especially the ones where the bride expects the maids to cover everything for her including airfare) are just gross to me. Unless you’re all millionaires, it’s too much. People have been brainwashed to believe that these luxuries are necessary for a good wedding. First it was the tv shows like say yes to the dress where consultants would grimace if the budget was less than $5k, and now it’s social media. This level of spending is just not normal for the middle class.
Sorry Chelsea I love TFD and I’ve been watching you since having my first job maybe 5 years ago. I think the Financial Confessions is undoubtedly one of the most helpful insightful and real piece of content on this platform and I hope you and the team reevaluate retiring it. We do understand wanting to discuss other content and I’m sure we’ll love that too but the kind of real life examples and relatability that comes from The financial confessions is extremely helpful to us common folk
hard agree. i may have not lived as a common folk, but it genuinely helped me emphasize and understand the problem solving between keeping these entry minimum wage jobs vs seeking other opportunities and when it’s time to discuss financial decisions with your partner like schooling or labor distribution.
I miss the TFC podcast so much! 😩
I’m a member and I would love a glorious return of TFC. Even if they have to be delayed for general release as a perk one month or whatever, I would love for that to return to your roster
I realize you prefer to give more content to your members, but in this economy not all of us can afford to pay those few extra dollars a month. As one of those people I will really miss The Financial Confessions, I loved that podcast