2025 Oscars Had Some… Moments

Between Adrien’s gum toss and Kieran Culkin’s “4th kid” joke—Oscars 2025 had some choices.

#Oscars2025 #KieranCulkin #AdrienBrody #Hollywood #AwardSeason #GenderRoles #CelebrityCulture #EntertainmentNews #PopCultureDebate #OscarsRecap

Joe Lilli

  • @juniorgod321 says:

    It’s kinda ironic too see an unhappy childless married woman giving her opinion on how happily married couples who have kids should live their lives:)

    • @suchasharma says:

      Why do you think she is unhappy? From your response, you seem to be the resentful one 😂😂😂

    • @siljeborgan4531 says:

      Because the opposite never happens 😂

    • @juniorgod321 says:

      @@suchasharmaShe’s unhappy in her marriage because her political views are against marriages and the only reason why she’s married is because her husband pays the bills( she said that in a few videos)!

    • @jusi1993 says:

      I think this guy is a bot. Theres just no way a real person is unironically using that photo and leaving these comments @suchasharma

    • @luizadacosta5521 says:

      I am gonna trust her opinion more that someone who thinks they are a god with AI generated image. 😂

  • @Sam-iu4wt says:

    yes thank you i was so turned off by that. especially right now. feels propagandistic almost

  • @adrivoid5376 says:

    That an the Iranian winners where the man spoke over the woman while just repeating what she said

  • @annajensen2177 says:

    I disagree. Most of Hollywood is very anti- child (for the most part). It’s very refreshing seeing a guy who loves his wife and loves his kids, and wants more.

    • @juniorgod321 says:

      You know that she’s a leftist who’s against everything good and decent, right?

    • @mayra15558 says:

      Just because someone decides not to have kids doesn’t mean they are “anti-child” or pushing some type of agenda

    • @dandylandpuffplaysminecraf8744 says:

      Most people are terrible parents. Why should they have children?

    • @AThirstyPhilosopher says:

      It’s great to see people love their families. And it’s great when loving, attentive parents agree on the number of children to have, have the means and health to do so, and raise them in a healthy way.

      What does anti-child mean? If people live their lives without having biological children that they raise themselves, does that feel personal to you in some way? I’m asking because “anti-child” sounds dramatic and inflammatory. People don’t need to be against something to not partake in it.

    • @Lau3464l says:

      Most of Hollywood is NOT anti-child. Tons of actors, directors, producers, crew have children. If some A-list actors don’t have children, maybe it’s because they didn’t have the best childhood themselves. Or maybe they know they wouldn’t be able to be a good parent with their filming schedules and travelling. Or maybe they just don’t want kids. But it’s certainly not a majority.

  • @thelocalsage says:

    yeah it seems he approached the subject as respectfully as he could, but it’s really just not the place for that to come up. it’s kinda weird. maybe saving that story for the press after the ceremony once you’ve had a chance at a conversation with her would be appropriate, if you insist on talking about it.

    • @Lau3464l says:

      It honestly makes me understand why he gets the roles he does – they seem pretty honest to his character as a person lol

  • @startoast1 says:

    The Oscar’s are garbage now. The judges have really weird taste in movies that don’t even remotely reflect the any good qualities. Who won last year? I don’t know and I don’t care! I find that the movies without awards are much better to watch. Those ones focus more on what people actually like!

    • @Lau3464l says:

      No one says you have to like the Oscar winners. Most broadly popular movies don’t win Oscars and that’s fine. You are allowed to like what you like, just like how the Oscar voters (who are the people working in that industry) are allowed to like what they like. It’s just a silly ritual, it’s really not that serious. No one is going to ever force you to watch an Oscar movie. But I think you should be open to watching some if they have anything that interests you because you might find you really enjoy it!

    • @startoast1 says:

      @ eh, I don’t really watch movies for their own sake. They have to pull me in. I like movies with a bit of edge to them. Movies that win awards are like vanilla ice cream to me. I’ve seen another movie with the same exact plot executed with far more skill and passion. Why would I waste my time with something so boring? Especially when there are far more flavors out there that few others have tried. Directors not afraid to make mistakes.

  • @jenniferbrooks--planj5459 says:

    I’m not following. What’s wrong with wanting more children?

    • @Lau3464l says:

      What’s wrong is broadcasting it on international tv when no one asked and it makes no sense to mention

    • @shubhashrichoudhury7266 says:

      Nothing. It is wrong in talking about something absolutely private and a monumental decision publicly in a way where you hold the other partner accountable without their permission.

    • @TheAleksander22 says:

      It takes away attention from successful independent women. 😉

    • @FishareFriendsNotFood972 says:

      It frames her as her dreams are only to be a baby maker. He got his dream (an Oscar), now her leader husband will ‘gift’ her her dream. Come on. Women are more than that.

  • @stephenkenney5708 says:

    Consider changing name from Financial Diet to Victimhood diet. Victimhood of one kind or another seems to be the underlying theme of all your posts.

  • @cwalker6911 says:

    Agree agree agree!! That was so annoying and tacky

  • @Juniper-Mango says:

    YES! When one partner opens up a private conversation in front of others, even in a joking way, I feel so uncomfortable. And to do it in front of the world, with a topic like raising a child (in addition to the 3 they already have?).. Was not feeling it

  • @Lau3464l says:

    It breaks my heart that people think Adrien Brody had the worst speech. He has struggled so much in Hollywood even after winning best actor for the pianist, no one would give him even a fraction of the opportunity that other best actor winners get, and he clearly wanted to say something poignant but couldn’t get through his emotions to find the words. Sure he should’ve had it written and prepared in advance but Kieran culkin’s was cringeworthy and wasting everyone’s time without even trying to say something worthwhile, and don’t even get me started on the Emilia Perez songwriters awfully singing into the mic

    • @FishareFriendsNotFood972 says:

      Adrien just never should have chosen to humiliate his partner like that in front of the world. Throwing something recently chewed at her, that she has to jump and catch, are you kidding me? It’s 2025, we’re done giving free passes to men who behave that way.

  • @FishareFriendsNotFood972 says:

    And talk about irresponsible timing too…..like, come on man, you have to know the country is being run my men right now who act like a woman’s ONLY value is to be a baby making machine, and you’re going to play into that rhetoric with your time in the spotlight???

  • @MrsCooper522 says:

    It was in bad taste. Maybe they have a healthy relationship and this was consensual between them but definitely weird in the context of an award show.

  • @flala2261 says:

    Perfectly put.

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